My Portrait

Well this is me.
It may look weird and funny.
But its actually me.

My House

this is my house. It has got many cool things like a spiral stairs and a gate to the reserve and a guard dog ( so don't try to rob my house) Believe it or not this is a 2 story house.

My Dad's Job and his Disaster

My dad has been putting people behind bars for twelve years or around about there.

I think he has put away about 700 people for the things they have done. A few of them are speeding, obstruction and stabbings and breaching bail. He had to chase people to the ground, use his pepper spray and hes use his hand cuffs many, many times.

His big disaster was that his vital shoulder bone slipped and fell out of the muscle and the bone got caught in his ribs. Thankfully his doctors fixed him and he was back on the job within a month.

Our Museum trip

This is our museum trip that we had in term1. This trip was inspired by our trip to a marae where we learn' t about Maori culture and beliefs. We also went to a place called Te Puia arts college where we learn't how to carve and make flax bags. We also went to the buried village .We were also doing earth science that includes Volcanoes, Earthquakes and yummy experiments(we got to make and eat stuff like toffey and hokey pokey). When we got back to school we had to do earth science in groups like 1\4, 2\5 and 3\6. Groups 1\4 did earthquakes with Mr. Dyke. Groups 2\5 did Volcanoes and experiments where groups 3\6 with Ms. D.

New hall

Well our school is getting a new hall its nearly complete. Mr O'Rourke says it going to be completed by 30th June when all it needs is carpet. I think its going to be completed by in about 3 weeks. here's a picture of it.

My Speech

Hi this is my speech its about if there was a world war3

What would happen if there was a world war 3? If atomic bombs were used? And if America was attacked again? These are the topics in this speech.

My first topic is what if there was a ww3. If there was a world war three the world would probably destroy its self with all the new technology. Nukes, Mustard gas and napalm are only a little amount of what could be Jordan and Afghanistan (still going). Believe it or not there was a second Vietnam War but it was about supermodels.

. We all know what nukes but we don’t know what mustard gas or napalm do. Mustard gas does many bad things to your health including: Suffocation you cannot stop what mustard gas does remember and it works really quickly. Now napalm this is very bad even the slightest spark can set it off. Its basically fire that can not be put out stop drop and roll will not work. Everyone that’s been in contact with napalm shot themselves. Remember no one that has come in contact with these chemicals has ever lived.

Atomic bombs are basically nukes just a different name. Atomic bombs and people obviously don’t mix just look at Japan. Atomic bombs were used in World War 2 as many people know but they don’t know were and when the landed. American launched 2 atomic bombs because of the Japanese destroying pearl harbour. One of these atomic bombs landed in Hiroshima on August 6th 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th 1945 they killing 220,000. That’s too many considering most of them were civilians just waiting for their family to come home.

Now America. How many wars has America been in well let’s count them: The Korean War, The Cuban war, ww1, ww2, Vietnam in Iraq (still going) are all police actions. As well as conflicts in Israel, Bosnia,

Well every one knows about ww1& ww2 no one knows how many people died in these wars and the total of deaths in ww3 would probably be the total between the 2 wars. The amount of people that died in ww1 was 16.5 million and for ww2 70 million that’s a total of 86.5 million people killed in action in the 2 world wars. The wars on terrorism is probably also going to be added as well. That’s added 203,600 so the total now is 86,703,600 that’s too many people that are going to die in ww3.

Just imagine how many graves would have to be dug and how much it will cost to bury those 86,703,600.

Old friends

This picture is from last year and these are some old friends the one on the left is Raven and on the right is Brian. They by the looks of it they are drawing.